Difference between Data Types and Data Structures in JavaScript and TypeScript

Difference between Data Types and Data Structures in JavaScript and TypeScript

In programming, data types and data structures are two fundamental concepts used to represent and organize data. Understanding the difference between them is essential to writing efficient and error-free code. In this blog post, we will explore the difference between data types and data structures in JavaScript and TypeScript.


Data types and data structures are fundamental concepts in both JavaScript and TypeScript programming languages. While these two concepts may sound similar and related, they are not the same thing.

Data types define the types of values that can be stored in variables or passed as arguments to functions. They help ensure that programs operate correctly and efficiently by using the correct operations and memory allocation for each type of data.

On the other hand, data structures provide a way to organize and manipulate collections of data. They enable complex operations on data such as searching, sorting, and filtering.

By choosing the right data type and data structure for the task at hand, developers can make their programs more efficient and effective. While data types and data structures are closely related, they serve different roles in creating robust and scalable software.

Data Types

Data types in JavaScript and TypeScript define the type of data that a variable can hold. The basic data types in both languages include number, string, boolean, null, and undefined. TypeScript also includes the symbol data type.

  • number: represents numeric values, such as integers and floating-point numbers.

  • string: represents textual data.

  • boolean: represents a logical value, either true or false.

  • null: represents a deliberate non-value.

  • undefined: represents an uninitialized value or the absence of a value.

  • symbol: represents a unique identifier.

Data Structures

Data structures in JavaScript and TypeScript refer to collections of data that are organized in a particular way to allow for efficient operations. Some common data structures in both languages include Arrays, Objects, Maps and Sets.

  • Arrays: ordered collections of data that can hold values of any data type, including other arrays.

  • Objects: unordered collections of key-value pairs, where the keys are strings and the values can be of any data type.

  • Maps: collections of key-value pairs, where the keys can be of any data type.

  • Sets: collections of unique values of any data type.

Example in JavaScript

Here is an example in JavaScript that demonstrates the difference between a data type and a data structure.

// Data Type example
let x = 10; // x is a number data type
let y = "Hello World"; // y is a string data type

// Data Structure example
let arr = [1, 2, 3]; // arr is an array data structure
let obj = { name: "Esther", age: 30 }; // obj is an object data structure

// Accessing a value from a data structure
let value = arr[0]; // value is the first element of the array, which is 1
let name = obj.name; // name is "Esther", which is the value associated with the "name" key in the object

In this example, the variables x and y are examples of data types in JavaScript. They represent a single value of a particular type. The variables arr and obj, on the other hand, are examples of data structures in JavaScript. They represent collections of values in a particular way. We can access individual values in a data structure using indexing or key-value pairs, as shown with the value and name variables.

Example in TypeScript

Here is an equivalent example in TypeScript that demonstrates the same difference between a data type and a data structure.

// Data Type example
let x: number = 10; // x is a number data type
let y: string = "Hello World"; // y is a string data type

// Data Structure example
let arr: number[] = [1, 2, 3]; // arr is an array data structure
let obj: { name: string, age: number } = { name: "Esther", age: 30 }; // obj is an object data structure

// Accessing a value from a data structure
let value: number = arr[0]; // value is the first element of the array, which is 1
let name: string = obj.name; // name is "Esther", which is the value associated with the "name" key in the object

This TypeScript example is similar to the JavaScript example, but with the addition of type annotations. The variables x and y are examples of data types in TypeScript, and the variables arr and obj are examples of data structures in TypeScript. We can access individual values in a data structure using indexing or key-value pairs, just like in JavaScript.

What are Arrays and Objects then?

In JavaScript and TypeScript, arrays and objects can be considered both data types and data structures, depending on how they are used.

Arrays are a data type because they represent a single value that contains a collection of elements, and each element in the array has the same data type. For example, an array of numbers is a data type in JavaScript and TypeScript.

Arrays can also be considered a data structure because they provide a way to store and access multiple values in a particular order using numeric indices. In this sense, an array is a data structure that allows you to access and manipulate its elements in various ways, such as adding or removing elements, sorting the elements, or iterating over them.

Objects are also a data type because they represent a single value that contains a collection of key-value pairs, where each key represents a property name and each value represents a property value of a specific data type.

Objects can also be considered a data structure because they provide a way to store and access multiple values using named properties, which can be accessed using a specific key. In this sense, an object is a data structure that allows you to organize and manipulate its properties in various ways, such as adding or removing properties, updating their values, or iterating over them.

Therefore, arrays and objects can be considered both data types and data structures in JavaScript and TypeScript, depending on how they are used and what aspects of them are emphasized.

Example in JavaSript

Here is an example that demonstrates how arrays and objects can be considered both data types and data structures in JavaScript:

// Arrays as a Data Type
let numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4]; // an array of numbers
let strings = ["apple", "banana", "orange"]; // an array of strings

// Arrays as a Data Structure
let fruits = []; // an empty array
fruits.push("apple"); // add an element to the end of the array
console.log(fruits); // prints ["apple", "banana", "orange"]

// Objects as a Data Type
let person = { name: "Esther", age: 30, city: "New York" }; // an object with properties

// Objects as a Data Structure
let car = {}; // an empty object
car.make = "Toyota"; // add a property to the object
car.model = "Camry";
car.year = 2022;
console.log(car); // prints { make: "Toyota", model: "Camry", year: 2022 }

In this example, the variables numbers and strings are examples of arrays as a data type. They represent a single value of a particular type that contains a collection of elements.

The variables fruits and car are examples of arrays and objects as data structures. They represent a way to store and access multiple values in a particular order using numeric indices or named properties, respectively. We can manipulate the elements or properties of these data structures using various methods such as push() or dot notation, as shown in the example.

Example in TypeSript

// Arrays as a Data Type
let numbers: number[] = [1, 2, 3, 4]; // an array of numbers
let strings: string[] = ["apple", "banana", "orange"]; // an array of strings

// Arrays as a Data Structure
let fruits: string[] = []; // an empty array
fruits.push("apple"); // add an element to the end of the array
console.log(fruits); // prints ["apple", "banana", "orange"]

// Objects as a Data Type
interface Person {
  name: string;
  age: number;
  city: string;
let person: Person = { name: "Esther", age: 30, city: "New York" }; // an object with properties

// Objects as a Data Structure
interface Car {
  make: string;
  model: string;
  year: number;
let car: Car = {}; // an empty object
car.make = "Toyota"; // add a property to the object
car.model = "Camry";
car.year = 2022;
console.log(car); // prints { make: "Toyota", model: "Camry", year: 2022 }

In this TypeScript example, we declare the data types of the arrays numbers and strings using the syntax number[] and string[], respectively. We also define interfaces Person and Car to specify the structure of the objects person and car, respectively.

The syntax for manipulating arrays and objects as data structures is the same as in JavaScript, but with the added benefit of static type checking provided by TypeScript. This means that we can catch type errors at compile-time rather than run-time, which can help prevent bugs and improve code quality.

Overall, the use of arrays and objects as both data types and data structures in TypeScript is very similar to JavaScript, but with the added benefits of strong typing and improved error checking.