Scope in JavaScript and TypeScript - Simple & Code Examples

Scope in JavaScript and TypeScript - Simple & Code Examples

In JavaScript, scope refers to the region of the code where a variable is accessible and can be used. There are five main scopes in JavaScript:

  1. Global scope: Accessible from anywhere in the code and defined outside of any functions or blocks.

  2. Local scope (also known as functional scope): Created within a function and can only be accessed within that function and any nested functions. This scope type has been part of JavaScript since its inception.

  3. Block scope: Created within a block of code, such as an if statement, and can only be accessed within that block. This scope type was introduced in ECMAScript 6 (ES6) and is achieved using the let and const keywords.

  4. Lexical scope: Determines the visibility and accessibility of variables based on their location in the source code, looking up the nearest enclosing scope which can either be a function or a block of code. This scope type has been part of JavaScript since its inception.

The var keyword is used to declare variables in JavaScript, but it does not have block scope and its variables are function-scoped. With the introduction of let and const in ES6, block scoping can now be achieved, making it easier to manage the visibility and accessibility of variables in your code. Understanding the differences between these five scopes, as well as the use of var, let, and const, is crucial for writing well-structured and maintainable JavaScript code.

Here is an example:

// Global scope
const globalVariable = "I'm a global variable";

function outerFunction() {
  // Local/Functional scope
  let outerVariable = "I'm an outer variable";

  if (true) {
    // Block scope
    const blockVariable = "I'm a block scoped variable";

  function innerFunction() {
    // Local/Functional scope
    let innerVariable = "I'm an inner variable";

    console.log(outerVariable); // Output: "I'm an outer variable"
    console.log(blockVariable); // ReferenceError: blockVariable is not defined
    console.log(innerVariable); // Output: "I'm an inner variable"

  // Lexical scope: `innerFunction` has access to variables declared in its own scope,
  // as well as variables declared in its outer `outerFunction` scope

console.log(innerVariable); // ReferenceError: innerVariable is not defined
console.log(globalVariable); // Output: "I'm a global variable"

In this code example, we have different types of scopes in JavaScript, including Global scope, Local/Functional scope, and Block scope.

The globalVariable is declared outside of any function and is therefore in the Global scope. This variable is declared using the const keyword, which means its value cannot be reassigned but its properties can be mutable.

The outerFunction and innerFunction both have Local/Functional scope. Variables declared within these functions are only accessible within the function. In this example, the outerVariable is declared within the outerFunction using the let keyword, which allows its value to be reassigned within the function. The innerVariable is also declared within the innerFunction using let.

The blockVariable is declared within a block scope created by the if statement. This variable is declared using the const keyword and is only accessible within the block.

It is also worth noting that the innerFunction has access to variables declared in its own scope as well as in the scope of its parent function outerFunction. This is due to the concept of lexical scope, where a function has access to variables declared in its parent scope. This is represented in the code example by the fact that innerFunction can access the outerVariable declared in the outerFunction scope.

Understanding the different scopes in JavaScript, as well as the use of var, let, and const, is essential for writing well-structured and maintainable code. The five main scopes in JavaScript are global, local, block, functional, and lexical. var is function-scoped, while let and const are block-scoped.

In terms of Typescript, the concepts of scope remain the same, but Typescript provides additional features and type checking that can help with catching errors earlier in the development process. Regardless of whether you're working in JavaScript or Typescript, having a solid understanding of scope will help you write more efficient and maintainable code.