Deploying Angular Frontend to Netlify in Few Simple Steps | CI/CD with GitHub

Deploying Angular Frontend to Netlify in Few Simple Steps | CI/CD with GitHub

🌐✨ Join me as I deploy Angular Frontend to Netlify,
implementing GitHub CI/CD - for Angular v17 and prior.

Explore with me as I break down the process
into the following steps:

πŸ“‚ Choosing a git repo and opening it locally
πŸ› οΈ Creating a netlify.toml file
πŸ“¦ Adding the build to prod command to package.json
🚫 Removing the /dist folder from .gitignore
🚫 Removing the subdirectory after the dist/ in angular.json
πŸ”„ Adjustments if working with Angular v16 or prior
πŸ”„ Adjustments if working with Angular v17 or higher
πŸ—οΈ Building the app for production
πŸ“€ Pushing the changed files and the dist folder to Git
🌐 Adding a new site on Netlify - import from GitHub
πŸš€ Deploying

Ready to streamline your deployment process? Let's make deploying Angular Frontend a breeze!